September Summary: My Healthiest Year Yet Challenge

Is it really the end of September already!? What a blur these past few weeks have been! Is it just me!?

Today also marks the the last day of the first month of My Healthiest Year Yet. My goal for September was to complete a successful Whole30.

Good news: I did it!

It was challenging! Surprisingly so, since it wasn't my first round. I think it had a lot to do with the pace of my life this month and some pretty hectic days where I reeeeally would have loved to just order a pizza for dinner.

However, all aside, the summary of the experience was that it was worth it. I feel great, have energy to be running after, around, and with my kids. My skin is clear and healthy-looking, I don't feel like I'm eating all day because the food I am eating keeps me full & satiated. Also, my clothes fit better.

Although I don't think the Whole30 is a great longterm pattern of eating, doing a short-term "nutritional bootcamp" like this has proven to break bad habits for me (hello, sugar addiction), and to force me to really appreciate my vegetables and learn new ways to get by without dairy products. I also like that the Whole30 focuses on changes in behaviour and patterns of thinking vs. simply changing the ingredients of your food. I think that's what really makes it effective.

I am coming out of it in a really good place. I'm not anxious to binge-eat ALL THE ICE CREAM or anything (...although I anticipate an oddly romantic date with a single piece of good-quality pizza in my future...), and am eager to see if I have a sensitivity to corn or wheat products after not eating them for a month. Also? I really, really want to eat some hummus.

My post-Whole30 plans are to shift to "mindfully and gratefully" consuming plentifully more plant food, less animal protein (including dairy), and as little refined grains as possible...which means I need to start learning to prepare some mean whole-grain dishes! Buckwheat and spelt berries, anyone?

I always come away from the Whole30 with a deep appreciation for whole, real food. I think it's been a fitting start to my Healthiest Year Yet Challenge! Woohoo! Bring on the rest of the year!

Some of you decided to jump in on the's it going so far!? Also, it's never too late to get in on the deal. Join in! I outline it in this post riiiiight here.

Tomorrow I'll be posting on my October Goal/Focus...#tobecontinued...


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